Cloud Weavers Private Limited | Dreams into Reality!Cloud Weavers Private Limited | Dreams into Reality!Cloud Weavers Private Limited | Dreams into Reality!

Realty OnCloud

  1. Ezy Pzy Education is an intelligent and practical solution to the tedious and laborious task of managing pre-schools. It is a comprehensive software that is a one-stop, integrated solution to all of your pre-school management needs.
  2. Ezy Pzy Education provides a service that seamlessly integrates the 4 main pillars in any pre-school management system: A Human Resource Management & Payroll, Customer Relations Management, Accounting Management and School Administration Management.
  3. The vital tasks of managing front and back-end administrative processes, accounts, and all processes in between can be managed smoothly using the Ezy Pzy Education platform.

Cloud Weavers Logo
Cloud Weavers Logo
#06-63 Premier@Kaki Bukit, Singapore, 415874
Mon - Sat
9am - 7pm